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♫ Time Restored - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a spinoff dungeon crawler series to the mainline Pokemon games. Instead of playing as a human trainer, you play as a human turned Pokemon and help save the Pokemon world from danger with your partner.

PMD is a series near and dear to me. I may have fallen out of love with Pokemon as an adult, but my love for PMD will never go away. I've met some close friends because of the series, and its magical world keeps drawing me in.
I first got into PMD at around age 13. I saw a lot of people on deviantArt talking about it and I was looking for more Pokemon games. It was basically love at first sight. The sprite work is some of my favourite out of all the DS games I've seen. My team of Eevee and Vulpix is very special to me, as a kid I'd always draw them on my homework.

My favourite of the games is Explorers of Sky. Generic pick but it means a lot to me. I'll never forget reaching the top of Sky Peak and seeing the view. It was truly magical.


"Who on earth is team lunch?" Team Lunch is the team my friends and I picked for when I streamed EOS on Discord. They consist of a Zorua named Salad and a Shinx named Crouton. We grew pretty attached to them, they're sillay.

Link to my Team Lunch Gallery